Divorce Lawyer
Going Through Divorce in Texas
Who will get the family home?
How should I break the news to my children about the divorce?
What is the best way to schedule parenting time?
Will I suffer financially once divorce is final?
If this sounds like what you’re going through, our staff at DTX Law understands, and we can help. Not only have we experienced divorce first hand, but we’ve also assisted many clients, helping them make informed decisions about their divorce. It’s our job to help you deal with the challenging situations based on a firm understanding of the legal implications involved.
A divorce lawyer you can rely on
Family law and divorce are the entire focus of our legal practice. We take the time to delve into your issues so we fully understand your situation. Bridging the gap between marriage and divorce is not easy for most people. However, we have considerable knowledge and skills that we bring to the table, which can help you feel confident you are making the right choices.
Issues that often come up during divorce
Asset Protection/Divorce Planning. During divorce planning, we address your assets and devise ways to protect your interests. We also have access to financial experts who can assist with complex property division issues. Read more.
Business Owner & Divorce. Whether you own a family business with your spouse or own your own business, there are important matters to resolve. For example, what is your business worth and do you plan to sell it? Read more.
Divorce Process. The legal process for divorce varies from couple to couple. It can be relatively simple if you can agree on divorce terms or challenging if complicated by conflict and sophisticated finances. Read more.
Child Custody. Working out child custody is often one of the more difficult aspects of divorce. Parents love their children and want to minimize the adverse effects divorce could have on them. Read more.
Marital Property. Texas is a community property state, which means that marital property is subject to property division. We’ll help you characterize what is marital and what is separate property (owned by only one spouse). Read more.
Mediation. If a divorce is headed to trial, Texas courts often require mediation before litigation can begin. Read more.
Modifications. After divorce, circumstances often change, making modifications in court orders necessary. Read more.
Visitation. As part of the parenting plan, the non-custodial parent typically has the right to spend visitation with their children. Read more.
Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements. These contracts can facilitate the divorce process by establishing in advance how couples would divide property in the event that they divorce. Read more.
Discuss your plans for divorce with an experienced divorce lawyer
Do you have questions about the legal actions involved with divorce? We’re glad to explain how divorce works and what your options are in greater detail, along with possible solutions to disputed issues.
What Our Clients Are Saying
You Come First
We have compassion for your situation and will do everything legally possible to protect your rights. Our goal is achieve the best possible outcome on your behalf.
Call 940.566.0606 to schedule an appointment.
Reach out to us

DTX Family Law
525 S. Locust Street, Ste. 100
Denton Texas 76201
Phone: 940.566.0606