Our Blogs
Our Blogs
What Are the Costs Involved in a Texas Adoption Proceeding?
Planning for All the Expenses Associated with an Adoption You’ve decided to start or build a family in Texas through...
Your Chances of Getting a 50/50 Custody Arrangement in Texas
The Likelihood that a Court Will Award Joint Physical Custody For many parents in Texas divorce proceedings, the most...
Navigating Alimony in a Texas High Net Worth Divorce Case
Is an Alimony Award Warranted? If So, How Much and For How Long? Though an award of alimony/spousal support is far...
What Is Virtual Visitation?
Are States Allowing It? Will It Be a Substitute for Actual Visitation? In a post-COVID world where streaming...
The Required Disclosures in a Texas Divorce
The Information You Must Provide When You Seek to Dissolve a Marriage Though some televised courtroom dramas might...
Questions You Should Ask during Your First Consult with a Divorce Lawyer
The Important Things to Know at the Beginning of the Process If you’re considering filing for divorce or have already...
The Divorced Parent’s Guide to the Holidays
Strategies to Make It a Good Experience for Everyone Divorce is almost always difficult for families, but even more so...
Tips for Maintaining Civility during a Divorce
Ways to Minimize Acrimony and Hostility during a Marital Breakup It can be a difficult task—even when you both know...
Can Your Child’s Therapist Make a Custody Recommendation in Texas?
The Role of a Child’s Emotional and Psychological Professional in a Custody Determination If you’re a party to a...
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DTX Family Law
525 S. Locust Street, Ste. 100
Denton Texas 76201
Phone: 940.566.0606